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The Story of Hagar in the Bible is a very interesting one, but one that shows us such a pattern of love and compassion from God to this single mother.  After being sent away, God encounters Hagar and her son, Ishmael, and gives her a promise that her child would be taken care of and would become a great nation as well.


The mission of Hagar's Heart is not only to be a blessing to them financially but also an extension of support and healing for single mother's and the family they lead.


What We'll Do Every Month


Every month, we will receive nominations from the family and friends of single mothers.  Each nomination would include why this mother is being nominated and how financial, emotional, and spiritual support would benefit them.







What Can You Do To Help


Even though this is a direct effort of AJM Unlimited and Aaron Mobley, you can also help through your financial donations by selecting the "Donation" link on our site.  With your help, we can impact the lives of single-mothers every month.


Do you know a deserving single-mother?


This amazing effort begins in February 2021.  If you know a deserving single-mother who is doing extraordinary things and leading her family well, we invite you to submit their names and stories.  You can do so by emailing us by selecting this link: Hagar's Heart Submission.   


When submitting your information, please don't forget to include your contact information.  

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