Education and Training
Title: Write the Book for Less
Date: Saturday, February 3, 2018
Time: 9:00-12:00PM
What to Expect?
Did you miss the last WRITE THE BOOK FOR LESS Workshop or are interested in attending again? If so, don't miss this weekends Virtual Class. It's going to be a great opportunity to learn the do's and don'ts of self-publishing, common mistakes, tips on presenting a stellar product, cover design excellence, editing errors, marketing ideas and much more!
Complete sign-up below and we'll be in touch and definitely looking forward to sharing some awesome tools that you can use to make your next work your best work.
Let's make dreams come true and you've got the power to do it.
Click here to complete sign-up!
How to log on?
Registrants who are on Facebook will automatically be added to the exclusive Facebook group. You'll simply log on and view directly from the group on Saturday. All other users will be sent information on how they can view the live broadcast.