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So, you're ready to get published? Let me be the first one to congratulate you on this new and exciting achievement.  It's our goal to provide Self-Publishing authors with the tools they need to stand apart and above those publishing on mainstream channels.  hat's going to set you apart and above? Your Presentation.


AJM Unlimited offers authors the beginning elements they need to get in print fast and thousands of dollars below what other publishing services channels may charge.

Commonly Asked Questions


​Who retains the rights to my book after I use these services? We are in essence a boutique for authors. We provide services that help you print in whatever means you decide.  You retain all rights to your work.


How long does the entire process take? At a minimum, to ensure thoroughness, we typically set a completion date of three weeks. Of course, this all depends on how soon you provide the necessary documents after completing the payment. 


What kind of manuscript should I submit? First of all, it should be your FINAL edited manuscript.  If your manuscript needs to be edited we can connect you to an editor that can aide in completing that process independently from our services.  Your manuscript should be submitted as a final draft.  Because of the sensitive and extensive process of formatting, once work begins on formatting the interior, changes requested or errors found that result in reformatting might suggest additional charges.


What information should I prepare when purchasing the book cover design service?  1. Your cover title and subtitle 2. Author Name 3. Synopsis of book 4. Type of book 5. Target market 6. If you have an idea about cover provide details or images, 7. Page count and trim Size, 8. For the back cover, send me the text for back cover and author's bio This includes limited revisions once final cover is approved. Repurchase is necessary is you choose to adjust or change after approving the proof.


How do I submit information and files? You can submit files by selecting the "UPLOAD" button on the top menu, selecting the LIVE CHAT option pop-up and using the attach button or by emailing 

Author Services Options

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